Ham Radio Remote Power the Raspberry Pi

This post is about how to power the Raspberry Pi ham radio remote using a buck converter and a amateur ham radio station 13.8v DC power supply.

The Raspberry Pi is usually powered by a Wall Adapter Power Supply - 5.1VDC, 2.5-3.0A. With a limited amount of AC power outlets in the ham shack an alternative was needed to power the Raspberry Pi which is hosting the SimpleHRR ham radio remote web app.

*Raspberry Pi (RPi)

Raspberry Pi (RPi) a versatile single-board computers made by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

a versatile single-board computers made by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

The solution was to use a buck voltage step down converter. To convert the amateur ham radio station 13.8v DC power down to 5.1V DC, 2.5-3.0+A..

Ham radio remote power a Raspbery Pi with a Buck Voltage Regulator.

Were not going to do anything special this has already bin done by others just plug the 13.8v DC into the Buck Voltage Regulator plug USB DC 5.1V to Micro-USB Cable Raspberry Pi 3 or USB-C for Raspberry Pi 4.


Make sure that the Buck Voltage Regulator output is at least 5.1VDC, 2.5-3.0+A.

Watch out for under voltage and low current use good thick microUSB cables.

All models run on 5.1V power, but Raspberry Pi 4 and 400 require 3A while other models can work fine on 2.5A. It's not recommended to use a phone charger or USB cable to power a Raspberry Pi.


It is totally possible to power a Raspberry Pi ham radio remote form a amateur ham radio station 13.8v DC power supply.


  1. Raspberry Pi Ham Remote
  2. Raspberry Pi WiFi Hotspot
  3. Raspberry Pi Mobile Hotspot
Simple Ham Radio Remote

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