Ham Radio Remote Control The IC 2730

Ham Radio Remote Control the Icom IC-2730 Dual Band VHF/UHF 50W Mobile Radio with Simple Ham Radio Remote Software and a Raspberry Pi.

The IC-2730 has a very limited number of CI-V commands. There are just enough commands to remote control the radio.

Simple ham radio remote IC 2730 web app is currently being tested. There is a download available on this page if you're interested. Documentation is currently limited to this page and related project links.

Simple Ham Radio Remote IC 2730 User Interface (UI).

Simple Ham Radio Remote IC 2730 is a free web app. It comes preinstalled on a Raspbian Lite Image which is flashed onto an 8GB or larger microSD card using your favorite software to flash microSD cards. There is no additional software to install.

System requirements

  1. Ham Radio Callsign
  2. Chrome or Firefox web browser
  3. Admin access to your router
  4. Active Internet connection

Hardware required

  • Icom IC-2730
  • micro SD card adapter
  • micro SD card (8GB class 10 or larger)
  • Raspberry Pi (3B - 3B+ or 4B armv7l)
  • Raspberry Pi Power Supply 2.5A - (3A - 3.5A better)
  • Cat5 Ethernet cable
  • USB Audio Adapter
  • USB Serial Adapter
  • Icom IC-OPC-589 8 Pin to Modular Microphone Adapter (optional)
  • Computer with an SD slot (or an appropriate SD card adapter)
  • There is additional hardware in Prepare the IC 2730 for Remote Operation

Download, Install the Image onto your microSD card

  • This image contains everything you need to get up and running quickly.
    • Download: SimpleHRR ic2730 v0.2.1-f.
      Sorry for the inconvenience, you might have to close the Dropbox tab when the download has finished.
  • Windows: Install the Image onto your microSD card
  • Extract the image double-click the .zip file then click Extract All.
  • Insert the microSD card into the computer's SD card slot use the SD card adapter if needed.
  • Next, flash the image to the microSD card with your favorite image writer. There are various image writer you can use, example Etcher - Raspberry Pi Imager works for Linux, macOS or Windows.
  • Now remove the flashed microSD from the computer, keep it in a save place will insert it into the Raspberry Pi later.

Prepare the IC 2730 for Remote Operation

     MENU -- EXMENU [MV]
     EXMEN-- FUNC [MV]
     FUNC -- CI-V [MV]
  1. CIV ADR [MV] CIV AD-- 90

    Additional Hardware:
  1. USB Serial adapter Here
  2. Serial to CI-V adapter Here
  3. USB Audio adapter Here
  4. Audio interface Here
  5. Power On-OFF Relay module to GPIO 23 Here
  6. Push-to-Talk (PTT) Relay module to GPIO 24 Here

     Radio Controls ->
  1. AF Volume Control -> pre-set 15 adjustable in web app
  2. Radio Interface between Radio / Raspberry Pi Required -> Here

Connect the Radio to the Raspberry Pi

Connect the Raspberry Pi to Network

  • Plug the Cat5 cable into the Raspberry Pi Ethernet port the other end to the LAN.

Booting the Raspberry Pi for the First Time

  • Insert the flashed microSD card into the Raspberry Pi microSD slot.
  • Power ON the Radio (e.g IC-2730).
  • Power ON the Raspberry Pi.
  • Wait for the Pi to boot up - the green LED should stop flashing when it's finished!.

Get the Raspberry Pi IP Address

  • Open a browser and Log in to your router as admin. The router IP address is usually something like, or or
  • Find Attached Devices -> Device Name (Raspberry Pi simplehrr) - IP Address
    (something like 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x).
  • Write down or copy the corresponds IP Address you will need that to set up Simple Ham Radio Remote.

Set up Simple Ham Radio Remote on your Raspberry Pi

  • Turn the radio ON
  • Open a Chrome or Firefox web browser enter the URL:
  • Enter Username: Ham Radio Callsign (confirmed on QRZ.com)
  • Enter Email address: Optional: Just leave noemail@noemail.com
  • Enter Password: (greater then 8 char)
  • Select Radio: (IC-2730)
  • Select Dev USB: (/dev/ttyUSB0)
  • Click [ Activate ]
  • Verify the information is correct Click [ OK ]
  • Wait 1 minute for Raspberry Pi to reboot.
  • Click [ OK ]
  • Enter Username (your Callsign)
  • Enter Password (your Password)
  • Click [ Sign in ]
  • Click [ Call Radio ] when it turns green.
    Be patient it takes a little longer to turn green on a first time install.
  • Logout:
  • Click [ Hang Up ]

That's it.

Read me:
  1. The first boot takes about 2+ minutes because all SimpleHRR prerequisites are installed during the first boot. Wait 2 minutes, then start checking https://your-Pi's-IP-address:50000/remote.
  2. If you don't have the selected radio connected to the USB-Serial port, when you click [ Call Radio ], you will get an error message "Unable to Connect to Radio!".
  3. This installation is for LAN access only. See user manual for Internet access.
  4. Access the user manual using your username and password the day after setting up SimpleHRR.
  5. Click to see Wiring Diagram between the IC 2730 and Audio Interface
    ham radio remote ic2730 wiring diagram image raspberry pi icom
  6. Click VFO A to toggle between VFO A (Left) - VFO B (Right)
  7. Always review the FCC rules - regulation before operating any two-way radio remotely
  8. Current Release notes:

    Simple ham radio remote web app is fully functional, but still in the process of refining some aspects of the web app.

      Fix some issues

      New Band button
      New VFO A - VFO B selector.
      Cleaned up Tone Ctrls.
      It's looking good.

      First Simple Ham Radio Remote Icom ic 2730 release
      This release still very rough but this is how it starts.


  1. Simple Ham Radio Remote
  2. Setting up your Raspberry Pi
Simple Ham Radio Remote

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